Upper Merion Township and King of Prussia are located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania adjacent to Valley Forge National Historical Park.

General membership meetings take place Wednesday evenings from September through May starting at 7:00 P.M.

Our meetings are currently held in person at Upper Merion Baptist Church, 585 General Steuben Rd, King of Prussia, PA 19406.

The main program is usually a speaker or presenter on photographic topics; either a "how to" program or slide shows on travel or other subjects of interest. The Second Wednesday of the month is reserved for the monthly competition, which is judged either by a panel of three "inside" judges, or a judge from outside the club, an experienced photographer who can give an independent evaluation of the members' photographs. Our competition rules are guided by those of the Photographic Society of America.

Throughout the year, members gather together and travel to various local and regional destinations in search of photographic opportunities. During the club year of September to May, we may plan fall, winter, or spring day trips. During the summer break, we keep a full calendar for Wednesday evenings.

We also often gather informally Saturday morning and head out with gear in tow.

Our regular meetings and programs are open to non-member guests free of charge. Membership is required to participate in competitions. Dues for camera club year are $40 from September 1st through to January 31 and $20 from February 1st through to May 31st.

2022 - 2023 Club Officers
President: Jeff Chapman Vice President: Dick Zielinski
Recording Secretary: Linda Palma
Communications: Mike Duris
Treasurer: Jennifer Hahn Webmaster: Jeff Chapman
Membership: Rich Nasielski Program: Joanne Marano
Competition: Open Judges: Colleen Hamilton

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